Can You Take Bananas With Coffee?

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Written By Kristy Cunning

I am a pomologist from Florida and a mother obsessed with bananas.

Bananas are the best snacks that keep you alert or asleep and give you instant and sustained energy. They are a good source of natural sugar and rich in fiber which usually helps slow the digestion of sugars. On the other hand, the caffeine present in coffee is a stimulant that keeps you alert and awake.

Can I take Bananas and Coffee?

Yes, it is okay to consume bananas and coffee. Getting a bite of a banana followed by a sip of coffee is not only interesting but also appetizing and nutritious. Eating bananas is healthy as it helps in increasing the level of potassium in the blood.

Potassium is important in the body because it reduces the risk of heart attacks and diseases. It also ensures that the kidneys do their functions normally in the body.

Bananas are alkaline while coffee is acidic. Because of this fact, it can be possible for the banana to neutralize the acidity of coffee. Therefore it is believed that one can balance the effect of coffee on the body by eating a banana.

What Happens when You Eat Bananas and Coffee?

When you have bananas and caffeine in your digestive tract, there is absolutely no harmful effect on your body’s health. The combination of the incredible fruit and coffee is perfect and more like having potatoes and steak at ago.

There is no proof that the two foods have an odd reaction that causes discomfort in your digestive tract.

Almost everyone is aware that bananas enhance satiation and help in relaxing your muscles since it contains fiber and magnesium respectively. So you can always sleep without forcing yourself after eating the fruits.

While bananas aid in sleepiness, caffeine in coffee does the contrary by causing wakefulness. The exact result of eating the two is being alert.

An additional fact about eating bananas and coffee is that you will get energy. Though coffee contains an insignificant amount of energy, bananas have calories of energy. Coffee does not interfere with the amount of energy that banana yields. Bananas yield the exact amount of energy that they would give if eaten separately.

a) More Focus

Eating bananas and coffee would make you feel happy naturally and increase your focus due to the presence of caffeine. You will also feel your nerves calm down and stress-free because of the presence of potassium and magnesium in bananas.

Caffeine can also trigger the release of a stress hormone known as epinephrine. The hormone activates the “body flight or fight’’ response that leads to increased heartbeat, better supply of blood to the muscles, and release of glucose into the bloodstream.

 It is a clear indication that eating bananas and coffee would make us feel energetically boosted within a short while

b) Potassium

It has also been proven scientifically that caffeine can lower the level of potassium in the body; therefore, consuming bananas with coffee will balance the level of potassium within your body. The balancing is due to the presence of a high level of potassium in bananas. The reality is that taking bananas and coffee has no detrimental effect on your health but instead it sounds like a good idea.

You can also take bananas and coffee before any workout. Coffee is a stimulant that will give you the required boost before the regular gym workout. On the other hand, bananas will contribute by giving you the energy boost required by your body during the day. This is because bananas contain magnesium tryptophan and potassium.

Apart from bananas and coffee providing you with an energy boost, the amalgam of the two will give you strength since bananas contain carbohydrates that your body needs.

Coffee also boosts your metabolism and burns excess fats in your body while banana’s fiber content reduces appetite. The combination of these two will enable you to feel full and satisfied throughout the day. Being full will prevent you from consuming other snacks which would otherwise increase your weight.

What Should I Not Eat with Coffee? 

Some people can hardly start their day without taking a sip of coffee. Coffee is very delicious and has several health benefits. You will concur with me that coffee is indeed the most cherished and popular drink in the world.

It has a high level of antioxidants and other nutrients. It is usually enjoyable when taken with certain types of food. Some types of food should be avoided when taking coffee otherwise they can harm your health.

1). Milk

It can’t be contradicted that consuming milk as expected kills hunger, as well as coffee drives away drowsiness.

Consuming the two simultaneously is not recommended anyway. Coffee can hinder the absorption of calcium in the body, hence a lot of calcium is wasted and removed through urination.

2). Fried 

Crunchy fries are tasty and can be enjoyable when taken with coffee. The habit of consuming the two simultaneously should be avoided as it can hurt your health.

Fried foods contain a lot of fats and cholesterol. If caffeine in coffee is combined with fried foods, it can increase the level of cholesterol in the body at an alarming rate.

3). Meat 

Coffee forms bonds with food minerals, especially zinc. The bonds are very strong and cannot be easily broken and thus forcing the body to excrete the minerals. So when you consume coffee with meat, you are likely letting go of important minerals like zinc as a waste.

Other foods that are rich in zinc which you should avoid consuming with coffee include; beans, poultry, and oysters.