How Long Do Frozen Bananas Last?

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Written By Kristy Cunning

I am a pomologist from Florida and a mother obsessed with bananas.

In addition to being a fantastic source of fiber and potassium, bananas are conveniently packaged in yellow. However, freezing them might be a smart idea if consuming the whole batch in between supermarket trips sounds like a big undertaking, or if you’d like to make your daily ritual of delicious banana smoothies more convenient. For whatever reason, it’s critical to understand how long frozen fruit can be stored without posing a health concern.

Bananas will keep in the freezer for two to three months if you decide to peel them before freezing. Your bananas will keep in the freezer for six months if you decide to store them in the peel.

Frozen bananas keep for ages when kept at 0 °F. The US Department of Agriculture and the FDA both state that frozen bananas will keep their freshness without losing quality for two to three months, but if frozen properly, the fruit should continue to be safe to eat for a considerable amount of time beyond that. Check their consistency as soon as you remove them from the freezer, just to be sure. They’re most likely spoiled if they’re mushy and oozing, especially if their interiors are dark.

How Should Bananas Be Freeze-Dried?

The best bananas to freeze are those that have fully ripened first because frozen bananas don’t ripen again. As the starches in the bananas convert to sugar, riper bananas are sweeter.

Make sure the bananas are completely ripe before freezing them if you enjoy a sweet flavor in your food. To do this, leave them to mature for three to five days at room temperature (putting them in a brown paper bag with an apple will help up the process). When the bananas are ripe, you can peel, chop, or mash them. Then, store them within airtight containers to prevent moisture loss; this is a crucial step in preserving the banana’s flavor. Let the bananas thaw as soon as possible for a dish that will always turn out delicious. Plus, it’s always a positive

Can I Make Banana Bread with Frozen Bananas?

Of course, yes! All of your ripe bananas can be frozen and used in recipes for banana bread, muffins, cake, and my personal favorite, chocolate banana muffins. If your heavily ripened bananas are spotty and almost black on the counter and you don’t have time to bake with them now, freeze them for use in your baked goods later.

How to Stop Browning of Frozen Bananas

The peels of whole bananas frozen in the freezer will eventually turn brown. This is acceptable and does not affect the fruit’s flavor.

But if the mash, chunks, or slices from your frozen bananas turn brown, it’s because the bag or container isn’t sealed tightly. Before sealing and freezing the bags or containers, make sure you remove all of the air from them. To get rid of any banana pieces, do this each time you open the container.

Additionally, try to use your bananas in the chronological order that you froze them. They are more likely to turn brown or absorb freezer odors the longer they are frozen. 

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