What Do Plantains Taste Like?

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Written By Kristy Cunning

I am a pomologist from Florida and a mother obsessed with bananas.

Plantains are either consumed raw or fried, therefore there has been a controversy on the unveiling of the taste of a typical plantain. The taste of a plantain can be compared to that of a banana in terms of sweetness and flavor. Plantains taste just like bananas except that they lack the banana flavor. However, Plantain’s taste often depends on the stage of ripeness.

Green plantain taste

Green plantains are tough and less sweet compared to the ripe ones. Furthermore, unripe plantains are usually used as starchy vegetables in savory dishes. They add a deep flavor to soups and stews because of their mild sweetness which is subtle.

Green plantains contain a lot of starch which results in a bland taste, that is, bitter aftertaste. Their taste can be compared to that of a raw potato except that it is more savory and less sweet. Unripe plantains are particularly flavorless especially when uncooked. Quite many people say that green plantains are tasteless and disgusting.

Ripe plantain taste

These plantains are sweeter and softer than the green ones. Ripe plantains are bright yellow with black spots and can easily be peeled. Ripe plantains are best when fried. They are crispy with caramelized edges like cooked pancakes.

 Ripe plantains are sometimes mistaken for bananas, the confusion comes about due to the golden yellow color which is similar to that of a banana with terrible exactness. Ripe plantains are usually used in sweet dishes like dessert toppings. Furthermore, it is possible to smash and bake these plantains into plantain pudding and plantain sandwiches.

Cooked plantains taste

Plantains are considered to be fruits just like bananas, yet, for one reason or another, they are consumed like vegetables.

Cooked plantains have a unique which is sweet and savory, yet, the degree of savory is dependent on the ripeness of the plantain. So ripe plantains have a sweet flavor similar to that of a ripe banana. On the other hand, green plantains are usually hard and less sweet and so are used in savory dishes.

Do plantains taste like Bananas?

No, their taste is distinct and can distinguished from that of a regular banana. Whereas unripe plantains taste starchy, ripe ones taste sweeter just like ripe bananas. However, the taste is slightly different from that of a banana in terms of flavor. Plantains contain less sugar and more starch than bananas, no wonder they are often consumed when cooked. Meanwhile, plantains are an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Their taste is almost similar to that of a banana but more close to that of a starchy tube like potato.

Why must cook plantains?

Plantains of course taste just like bananas, however, the toughness and starchiness of plantain cannot be neglected. Their peels are hard and therefore make it almost impossible to peel when green. Furthermore, green and ripe plantains are cooked to ensure that the starch present is wholly converted to sugar. In other words, cooking ensures that plantains are sweeter.

Because plantains are starchier and tough, people started to fry them to ensure they were delectable.

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